Also through the Conscientious Objection in Lewisham 1916 - 1919 Project, using the Pearce Register of British Conscientious Objectors as the basis for her research, and in collaboration with the Peace Pledge Union one of our volunteers (Ann O'Brien) looks at conscientious objectors in the present London Borough of Lewisham Area.Sinking of the LusitaniaThis wiki is still being developed and subject to change, please bear with us until it is completed. If you have any suggestions for improvements or inclusions please let us know. Click here to contact us by Local History and Archives Centre, Lewisham and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence |
There are also other sites we have created that covered topics such as the local War Memorials, Air Raids and there is a Book of Remembrance for you to add you local relative to. Click here also for theLocal First World War Air Raids First World War Resources at Local History and Archives Centre |
Featured Article: Lewisham Committee to be FormedA Committee of which the President of the Local Government Board (Mr Robert Samuel) is Chairman has been constituted by the Government to advise on the measures necessary to deal with any distress that may arise and a national appeal for funds is about to be issued by the Prince of Wales. Steps are being taken to form committees in the various boroughs, urban districts and the counties and in connection with this it has already been decide that in Lewisham to form a strong and representative organisation, of which his Worship the Mayor (Alderman Robert Jackson JP) will be Chairman, to consider the needs of the locality and to control the distribution of such relief. Communications and contributions, should be addressed to the Mayor at the Town hall, Catford or donations maybe sent to the Editor of "The Kentish Mercury" at 6 - 14 Blackheath Road. Invitations to a meeting at the Town Hall will be issued in the Course of the Next Few Days. Kentish Mercury 7 August 1914 This randomly shows the articles we have added to the wiki, either revisit the site to see another article or Click here to see all the featured articles |